Facial Implants: Chin / Cheek

Facial implant surgery is designed to address a deficiency in underlying bone anatomy. The procedure is designed to reshape the chin/cheek using an implant to improve and enhance facial contours. It can help achieve a balance of facial features. 

Although chin/cheek implants are commonly used for cosmetic purposes, they can be very effective in facial reconstruction. 

You may be a good candidate for a chin implant if:

  • You feel your chin is too small
  • You have a weak or receding chin
  • You have experienced facial trauma

You may be a good candidate for a cheek implant if:

  • You have a hollowed facial appearance
  • You have negative orbital vector – leading to ectropion
  • You have previous facial trauma

Implants may be made of human tissue or synthetic materials such as silicone or polyethylene. 

Facial implant surgery takes 1 to 2 hours (depending on if you just cheek or chin implant surgery or both procedures) and is performed under general anaesthesia. You will stay overnight and will be discharged the following morning.


Chin implant surgery involves small incisions inside your mouth, on the gum line below your front lower teeth.


A small incision is made on the inside of the mouth. Soft tissue is then lifted from the bone, creating room for the implant to be inserted. Cheek implant surgery usually takes 1 hour.

Both chin and cheek implant surgery can be performed alongside other facial techniques including eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, and facelift surgery.

Facial implant surgery is performed at Lingard Private Hospital or Warners Bay Private Hospital. 

After facial implant surgery, you should be up and about on the same day and back at work within a week. Bruising and swelling is minimal, but can last for a week or so.

Facial implants add or restore contour to the face, and certain features can be enhanced or emphasised. The procedure allows aesthetic facial enhancement without the need for more invasive bone surgery, which can include a longer recovery. 

Generally, chin or cheek implant surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure and as such you will be unable to claim a rebate from Medicare or your health fund. 

There are, however, special circumstances when chin implant surgery may be considered a medical procedure. The procedure may be necessary to correct a receding chin or chin misalignment. Dr Kirstin Miteff will let you know if you meet this criteria in your consultation.

With any procedure you choose to undergo, potential risks and complications can occur, and it is vital to understand them before deciding on surgery.  

  • Heavy bleeding from an operated site 
  • Blood clots that may cause potentially fatal cardiovascular complications such as heart attack, deep vein thrombosis or stroke 
  • Wound infection (treatment with antibiotics may be needed) 
  • Allergic reaction to sutures, dressings or antiseptic solutions 
  • The formation of a large blood clot (haematoma) beneath an incision site that may require drainage 
  • Pain, bruising and swelling around the operated site(s) 
  • Keloids and hypertrophic scars that are raised, red and thickened scars. These may form over the healed incisions. They may be itchy, annoying and unsightly but are not a threat to health 
  • Temporary or permanent areas of numbness 
  • Difficulty talking or smiling for several weeks 
  • Movement of the implant, which will require further surgery 
  • Slow healing, often related to smoking or diabetes 
  • Short-term nausea following general anaesthesia and other risks related to anaesthesia 
  • Revisional surgery 

Dr Kirstin Miteff will go into more depth about the associated risks and complications during your consultation. 

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